Thursday, 16 February 2012

Interview with Rachel! x

Afternoon sweeties!

Today I would like to introduce you all to the lovely Rachel from Life Of A Sweetaholic :) Her blog is fab, one of my absolute faves!


1. When and why did you first start blogging?
I first started blogging in February 2011, so my blog has just turned one and I cannot believe that I am still blogging a year later, but it feels incredible. I first set Life of a Sweetaholic up as I had seen quite a lot of my Facebook friends setting theirs up and I loved the fact that they had a platform to speak about what they wanted and that people would read/comment about the topics too. It was in fact Emma-Louise who blogs over at From Fallenangel to YummyMummy ( who inspired me to first start my blog.

2. What do you like most about blogging?
Without a doubt it has got to be all of my lovely followers and readers, if I didn’t have them I don’t think that I would still be blogging right now to be honest. A year later I still find it overwhelming that people from all over the world visit my blog and leave comments, it is such a lovely feeling. I have also made and met 2 very special friends thanks to blogging and I cannot wait to meet more of them.

3. Is there anything you dislike about blogging?
The only thing that I can think of at the moment has got to be if there are any negative comments either on my blog or a friends, as I generally find that the blogging community is so friendly and we are all in this together – so there is no need for the negativity.

4. What do you think of my blog?
Your blog is one of my favourites and is listed under my favourite reads (if you didn’t know this?). I like the fact that you don’t concentrate on one specific topic as I find those types of blogs boring and that it feels as though I actually know you from the posts you write.

5. Who/what inspires your blog?
Well when I first started Life of a Sweetaholic it was Emma-Louise who blogs over at From Fallenangel to YummyMummy ( who inspired me to first start my blog. But generally my inspiration now comes from anything and everything that happens in my life. I blog about who I am, what I do and what I love – I have a real passion for nails so this is something that is quite a regular feature on my blog, as well as the food related posts, OOTD and much more.

6. What do you use to take pictures for your blog?
Most of the time I will use my Samsung digital camera (I can’t tell you the exact model/make at the moment as I haven’t got it on me), other than that I will use my HTC Wildfire S when I am out and about if something catches my eye that is worth a snap.

7. Do you or would you work with pr companies?
At the moment I only work with one PR Company, I do this as I feel that their products are relevant to my blog and they are items that I am interested in, I would never want to work with a PR company or business that isn’t aimed at my readers and most importantly if I don’t have an interest in them/their products.

8. Do you or intend to hold giveaways on your blog?
When I first started blogging I used to hold quite a lot of giveaways on my blog, but then I stopped as I then knew who my loyal followers and readers were. Now I hold giveaways for special occasions or if I am just feeling really nice to all of my readers and followers.


Beauty product:No7 Soft and Soothed Gentle Cleanser
Hair product:Batiste Tropical or Floral
Blog: Confessions of a Small Town Girl (
Website: Weheartit, I could spend hours on the site looking at the gorgeous photos (
Magazine: More! magazine without a doubt
Food: Roast Pork Chow Mein
Film: Law Abiding Citizen
Music: One Direction

This or that

Opi or Essie: OPI
Mac or YSL: MAC
Barbie or Sindy: Barbie
Facebook or Twitter: Twitter
Newspapers or Books: Books
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza
Staying in or Going out: Staying in
Rock or Rap: Rock

Finish this sentence

You should visit my blog because
I love getting to know new bloggers and I am always open to new ideas. Hopefully you will enjoy the journey with me making Life of a Sweetaholic the best it possibly can.



Thanks for letting me interview you hunnie! Great answers :)

Don't forget to check Rachel's blog out <3

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