Tuesday, 7 February 2012

3 Day Diet! x

Hey Hunnies!

Hope you are all well :) I haven't got a new phone/camera yet but I have one ordered. In the meantime I can't cope not blogging, so I'm going to do my best using the fiance's camera and pics off the net etc. Please bear with me!

Today I'm going to tell you about a diet I'm starting. I have done it before and achieved fantasic results. I've been desperate to lose weight for a while, but keep putting it off. I'm one of those people that only have to look at a doughnut and I put half a stone on lol. What with all the yummy foods at christmas and 10 too many takeaways, now is the time to get sexy for summer ;) I'm using this diet to sort of kick start my healthy eating. I got weighed in boots yesterday, but didn't look at the print out lol. I'd rather not know how much I weigh till I've lost some! I will get weighed again on Friday and see what the verdict is.

Oh and I'm doing this diet for me. My fiance would still find me hot as hell, whether I was a size 8 or 18. If you're big and feel good about yourself and you're healthy then that's fine, but I feel like a whale and want to be able to look in the mirror and smile :)

The 3 day diet

The 3 Day Diet has been around for many years is one of the most popular short-term diets today. Many people adopt the diet to try and achieve rapid weight loss, up to 10lbs for most. I can't stress enough that this diet should not be used for more than 3 days, as it very low calorie but is ideal for a special occasion or to be used as a starting point (like I am doing) The diet is incredibly simple and easy to follow and the meals are easy to prepare. Last time I did this diet I lost 9lb in 3 days and managed to keep it off through continuing to eat healthy.

Although this diet works for me, it may not work for everyone. Low calorie diets can be dangerous for some and can lead to yoyo dieting. This diet is definately not suitable for anyone that is sensitive to caffeine.

It's not a good idea to exercise much when doing this diet because of the low calorie intake. This won't be a problem for me, I'm a right lazy bum :p

For this diet to work you must not swap any of the foods or change the order in which you eat them.

Day 1

Breakfast: • ½ a grapefruit or orange
• 1 slice of toast
• 2 teaspoons of Peanut Butter
• Black Coffee or Tea

Lunch:• ½ cup of Tuna or Chicken
• 1 slice of toast or cheese
• black coffee or Tea

Dinner:• 3 oz. of any type of meat or meat-imitation
• 1 cup of sting beans or green beans
• 1 small apple
• 1 cup of beets or carrots
• 1 cup of vanilla ice cream or low fat yogurt

Day 2

• 1 egg (or just the egg whites)
• ½ banana
• 1 slice of toast
• black coffee or tea

Lunch:• 1 cup of cottage cheese or ½ a cup of tuna fish
• 5 saltine crackers
• diet soft drink

Dinner:• 2 hot dogs or soy dogs
• 1 cup of broccoli or cabbage
• ½ cup of carrots
• ½ banana
• ½ cup of ice cream or low fat yogurt

Day 3

Breakfast:• 5 saltine crackers
• 1 slice cheddar cheese
• 1 small apple
• black coffee or tea

Lunch:• 1 hard boiled egg
• 1slice of toast
• ½ cup of tuna
• diet soft drink

Dinner:• 2 hot dogs or soy dogs
• 1 cup of broccoli or cabbage
• ½ cup of carrots
• ½ banana
• ½ cup of ice cream or low fat yogurt

 You can use lemon, salt, pepper, mustard and/or cooking spray if you wish

Are you trying to lose weight and if so which diets have you tried?


  1. This just doesn't seem healthy!

  2. I thought you were gonna say you were doing the 3 day detox cleanse. I've been thinking about doing that, it's the fruit flush diet. You're also expected to loose anywhere from 5 to 9 pounds in the 3 days. Except you have to buy this wheat powder & some other weird powder to make a protein shake. So the 1rst day u have 4 shakes, then dinner is raw veggie salad w/ a baked potato, the 2nd & 3rd day you have 4 servings of fruit throughout the day and the same dinner. Thats it!! Oh and water lol. But it's supposed to also flush out the toxins from your body. I might try your diet since you can still eat normal and loose up to 9 pounds. Let me know how it goes!!!
    Good Luck!!

    1. Ooh I might give that detox a go sometime :) Yeah I'm a day into the diet and feel pretty good, I'll let you know how much I lose. Thanks! xoxo

  3. Lovely Post!
    Check out my unwante beauty box post! Leave a comment you visited!

  4. I think i might give this a go to try and loose a bit of weight for valentines day! Have you tried the cabbage soup diet? I've done that one before and it's quite an extreme one too but a week long, basicly you just eat cabbage soup for 7 days and then each day you're allowed something additional like fruit or steak. Works quite well!

    Georgie <3

  5. I've never tried the cabbage soup diet, don't think I could hack it! lol xoxo


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