Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Last day of the month! x

Hey Everyone! Hope you are all well, i'm okay. As if it's the end of november already! Looking forward to my birthday, only 9 days to go! I'm like a child when it comes to my birthday and christmas lol. Are you looking forward to the festivites? Christmas is definately my favourite time of year ♥

The poll i was running (left hand side of my blog) ended today & i am so happy to reveal that the results on what you think of my blog were so flattering.

10 of you voted that it's the best!
8 of you voted that it's great :)
3 of you voted that it's okay
1 of you voted that it needs ALOT of work.

30 Day Challenge
Day 24 – A letter to your parents

Dear Mum and Dad
I will start by saying thankyou. Thankyou for being here for me through thick and thin. I love you both so much and would never have gotton through these past few months without you. You two are the only people in this world I trust 100% and I would do anything for you. I know when I was a teenager I wasn't the best person to be around, but I'm all grown up now (still need my mummy and daddy though!) and we're the best of friends. We have our arguments, but so does everyone. There are so many things I could say, but I would be here all day. Thankyou again ♥
Lots of Love
Your little angel girl

Day 25 – What I would find in your bag
Hmm lets have a look shall we?! Okay, so it's a black & gold lydc bag I'm using at the moment (I change bags all the time!) and inside there is ... my gold primark purse, key, a pen & a bobble! Not very interesting, but hey :)

Don't forget to enter my fab giveaway here
& vote in my new poll (left hand side of blog)

Thanks Lovelies


  1. I love Christmas time, birthdays, and any other holiday I get to celebrate lol. So glad I found your blog! Love that purse too!

  2. Same here! lol. Aww thanks hun :) xoxo

  3. Love your blog dear (:

    newest follower !! :D

    xoxo Effy


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